Have You Found Your Costume Yet?

Halloween is just a few days away, have you found your costume yet? I reflected on the group costumes my friends and I have worn in the last few years and decided to make a layout from them.


The Kaisercraft 13th Hour collection is perfect for Halloween photos. One of my favorite patterns is the Midnight pattern paper. I particularly love the dimension in the design, weaved between the branches are purple and orange patterns. Since the paper is so awesome as is, I wanted to keep the layout simple but echo the dimension. I drew a moon eclipse, cut it using a craft knife, then slipped a printed acetate sheet beneath it to create some more dimension, and lastly added the title "Halloween", created from the Slice machine. I then clustered the photos in a 2x2 grid using various matting techniques.

Materials Used: Kaisercraft 13th Hour Midnight, Evening (front and back), Clocks Acetate, Rhinestones; Other: Fiskars Craft Knife; Making Memories Slice

Visit the Kaisercraft blog for more Halloween inspiration!

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- KRAFTY pearl