Where Am I?

Not so much in the physical sense, but more so in the metaphoric sense. It is July and we are at exactly half way into the year! What better time to hold myself accountable than now? I started the year committed to living a fuller life. So where am I with this year's goals?

Make great memories. This goal was purposely created to be vague so it could be as small or lofty as life would allow it to be. Leaving room for the unexpected really helped. I’ve enjoyed every minute with my baby and every minute of being a working mom. While that hasn’t left a ton of room to do much else, friends have been great about planning brunches closer to home to make it more assessable for us to join in the fun. We’ve also found room for a few short but awesome family trips tagging onto the start or end of some of our work trips. I look forward to the continued memory making, no matter how minute.

Take more photos. This is a routine that I've successfully implemented. The follow-up of putting them into Project Life is a different story, but the point of taking more photos is definitely being checked off.

Minimize practically. I am not doing as well here. While I’ve made good progress in some areas, I still struggle with others. I’m finding ways to get more function out of the same items so we have less clutter and more function. However, clothing continues to be a challenge… and I’ll tell you why. My weight fluctuated a lot this year. Once I stopped breastfeeding, my waistline and everything else just started to go back to pre-baby size, albeit very stretched out. So admittedly, I’m not sure what to keep and what to let go. Instead of wasting time and money, I am keeping a few key pieces of each size for now. But the idea is that if after a year, I don’t use any of it, it’s going to donation or being sold. I’ve also recently signed up for Stitch Fix. This service feels like an unnecessary luxury but it helps me save time from having to go shopping myself which means I have more time with the babe. Additionally, it gets me to the right size and fit faster, so it's a win-win in my book.

Spend less by reorganizing, reducing, reusing, and recycling. Finding more than a single function for the same thing has helped but we are continuing to work on this. As still relatively new parents, it’s not always clear what is a necessity and what is a nice-to-have. We’re working on it.

Cook more. We continue to work on this as well. I have fun making new things and trying new recipes. Learning to bake everything and anything has been a real highlight and it is definitely helping us be healthier.

Craft and create. I haven’t done as well in this area. I have found time to think creatively, but not actually made as much. This is something I’m working on as I have so many partially finished greeting cards that are eagerly waiting to find their way to my Etsy shop.

Update this blog. I'm not updating nearly as much as I thought I would. It's ok though because while my "maker's diary" isn't exactly 52 posts, I know what's snuck in are the quality moments with family and friends. This is permission to myself for skipping days because life happens quickly and I'll blog when I can.

Participate in Project 52. I had every intention of updating once a week. But when I look at my Project Life app, I'm actually tracking at least a photo a day and enough for a full 365 view. So we'll see when I'm ready to package the whole year, where this will all fit in.

So that’s it… this is where I am mid way through the year and I'm happy to say I am still working on everything. :)

How are you doing on your resolutions?